Saturday, February 05, 2005

Welcome to my not-so-homicidal release...!

I have lived round the planet.

I have toured extensively.

I spent fifteen years, starting in the 1980s, maintaining a fanzine.

I have been married.

I am an Eagle Scout.

I used to be a crackhead.

I nearly went into the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.

I love Cats.

I maintain clandestine residences in Los Angeles as well as New York City.

I can sleep through a war when my ageing corpus decides it is time for those few four hours of naptime...

and were it not for this somewhat sterile medium, I would be in prison for murdering a roommate who, despite her sweet demeanour, possesses the most wretched manners I have ever known.

My friends, colleagues and lovers thought I was merely employing hyberpole when I told them about my roommate's rancid outbursts, uncessant flatulence, morning noise and absolute lack of social graces. I even recorded her atrocities in the A.M. for them; I was accused of merely employing my audio engineering abilities to exaggerate what could not be nearly as horrific as I alleged was the daily aural and olfactory assault. (I will eventually upload a session for all to hear, once I figure out to capture it on my laptop.) This blog is my last resort, that I do not keep bottled up what was too close to exploding in a homicidal fashion.

Of course, if my roomie finds out about this blog, I WILL have to kill her so as not to be kicked out.

I plan on posting a couple of times a week, or at least as frequently as my murderous impulses demand.


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